Kevin Mooney
The County Clerk
Our mission is to provide the citizens of Bullitt County with a superior level of customer service not normally expected from government, while still complying with Kentucky laws and regulations.
I am thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to be your County Clerk. I took office January 1, 2007. It has been a learning adventure with everyday providing new lessons, and opportunities to help my customers, the citizens of Bullitt County.
My parents are the late Joe and Nina Mooney. I grew up in Shepherdsville and graduated from Bullitt Central High School in 1981. I attended the University of Louisville, graduating in 1986 with a Bachelor in Business Administration. While attending the University of Louisville I worked in the clerk’s office for three years under Nina Mooney, my mother. I married Melissa LaClair on July 28, 1989. We have two daughters, Hannah and Lilly.
Before becoming the Bullitt County Clerk, my wife and I lived in Denver, Colorado for three and a half years. We returned to purchase Hardy and Mooney Auto Supply in Shepherdsville, from my dad and his partner. Later I changed the name to Mooney’s Auto Supply. I also began to sell NAPA brand parts. I owned it for over 15 years, learning many lessons about how to serve people and manage a business. It prepared me for coming to the clerk’s office. I sold my business in May, 2007 to allow myself the time to run the clerk’s office as I had run the NAPA store.
Ann Oder
Land Records Supervisor
Ann Oder
March 30, 1990 to Present
Land Records Supervisor
Financial Deputy Clerk
Dana Arnold
Motor Vehicle Supervisor
Dana Arnold
June 1, 1999 to Present
Motor Vehicle Supervisor
The Staff